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Dasel manufactures Conventional UT and Phased Array Systems. All our products include a set of innovative signal processing features, implemented in hardware for real-time operation.

Several of these algorithms are unique in ultrasound market, like Electromagnetic Interference Filter (EMI), Data Reduction without Peak Loss (DRP], the Grain Noise Reduction Filter (GNR) and autofocus phased array.

DASEL also offers a set of complete software applications (ULTRAVIEW, SCANVIEW, TOFDVIEW, FOCALSIM) and library functions for different programming environments as C++, LabView or MatLab, in order to ease the integration of our equipments  into automatic inspection lines. Moreover, making use of these libraries, our systems become versatile and powerfull ultrasound tools for scientific research.


Modular and Re- Configurable systems: The key to success in custom solutions.

DASEL develops all its products with a modular architecture and using high-density reconfigurable devices (FPGAs). Given the high cost for new hardware development, this design philosophy allows to adjust our systems to many different applications, with the incorporation of new functions or specific algorithms with no need to upgrade the equipment electronics.

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Conventional UT & Multichannel

Ultrascope USB is the single-channel ultrasound system with highest performance in its market range. Its easy to use and intuitive software (ULTRAVIEW) includes all the functionality ( A-scan, B-scan ,C-scan, Peak detection,TGC,etc.) Read more...

Air Coupled

Airscope series avoids coupling problems like bubbles in water, but the large acoustic mismatch between solids and air must be solved with special transducers, a powerful excitation as well as hardware and software signal processing. Read more...

UT Software

All  the equipment manufactured by DASEL is supported by powerful software tools to easily configure the system parameters, display the signals and images and evaluate possible defects Read more...

Phased Array

Phased Array systems, by using several transducer elements, are capable of obtaining real-time images.Read more...

UT Tank & Scanner

DASEL provides a wide range of immersion tanks for non-destructive testing in water bath, with standard dimensions or manufactured according to customer requirements.  Read more...

NDT Consultant & Training

The engineering process usually starts with a feasibility study to check if the available ultrasonic techniques are able to obtain the desired results (resolution, repeatability) Read more...

Industrial Scanners

Aerospace Inspection Solutions

Flaw Detectors

Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors

Phased Array

Guided Wave


Integrated Inspection Systems

Bar Inspection Systems

Tube Inspection Systems

NDT Systems Instrumentation





Advanced NDT applications







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